Monday, May 5, 2008

Graduation Day !

The back of the robe has BJU's colors and a very wide scarlet velvet trim signifying the doctoral degree.

Susan earned the degree too!!

All 3 of us!!

Leon & Mable Godwin, my uncle & aunt from Gainesville, FL. Aunt Mable is my mother's sister.
They came for Katie's graduation as well.
Mrs. Pat Berg, a good friend of Katie's

Dr. Steve Hankins, Dean of the BJU Seminary

Dr. Stewart Custer, retired Professor of New Testament
Dr. Custer was our Pastor and a good friend.

Dr. Bob Bell, Professor of Old Testsment

I took more classes from Dr. Bell than any other Professor.

Rev. & Mrs. Roger Bixler, GFA Missions

Don, Debbie, & Delores Wilson, friends from Huntington

Dr. Alan Patterson, GFA Missions

Dr. Royce Short, Dean of the School of Religion

Dr. Ward Andersen, Professor of New Testament